Publisher: RMC Publications – September 25, 2009
výborný stav
455 pages stran
#Ekonomie, Obchod #Slovníky, Učebnice, Lexikony #Věda, Technika #Osobní rozvoj
From the author of the best-selling PMP exam preparation book in the world, CAPM Exam Prep by Rita Mulcahy is the worldwide standard for people studying for the CAPM exam. In addition to 12 comprehensive lessons, this innovative book includes games, exercises, Tricks of the Trade and common pitfalls and mistakes as well as enough sample test questions for a full CAPM practice exam.
Plus Exam Simulation CD-ROM
From the author of the best-selling PMP exam preparation book in the world, CAPM Exam Prep by Rita Mulcahy is the worldwide standard for…
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